5 Benefits of PRP Treatments
Your body regenerates constantly. With regenerative platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, you can make your natural ability to renew and regrow cells and tissue work where you need it most.
Dr. Andrew Fox and Dr. Ryan Mattie of Total Spine Institute, located in Sherman Oaks and Calabasas, California, provide PRP treatment on an outpatient basis. How could this regenerative medicine therapy benefit you? Here are five key benefits of PRP treatment you should know more about.
PRP offers natural healing and regeneration
After damage sustained due to an injury or degenerative wear-and-tear, your body mobilizes natural internal resources to repair and restore itself. PRP therapy concentrates and focuses on your own natural healing and regenerative capabilities.
White and red blood cells within your blood mingle with platelets. All are suspended in liquid plasma. Platelets cause blood clotting and scab formation. They also carry the growth factor proteins that trigger healing processes to begin. That’s why concentrated platelets in plasma make such an effective regenerative treatment.
PRP means no drugs, no drug reactions
Your provider at the Total Spine Institute concentrates your PRP treatment from a sample of your own blood. That means that your treatment doesn’t involve foreign substances or medical drugs, so you don’t have to keep track of any potential complications around drug reactions.
After we draw your blood, we spin it in a centrifuge to separate it into its components. We select only the platelets, white blood cells, and plasma for your treatment and discard the red blood cells.
Receive easy, same-day PRP injection treatment
PRP injection therapy doesn’t take long to complete. Your blood draw and injection treatment occur on the same day, saving you time and hassle. And, you don’t need to plan on post-treatment downtime, so your PRP appointment fits conveniently into your other plan.
Heal with precisely targeted PRP therapy
After centrifugation, your provider returns the PRP from your blood sample to your body in the form of a targeted injection, or a series of injections, located where you need healing or new bone and tissue growth. Ultrasound imaging guides your injections so that the PRP dose goes exactly where it needs to for regeneration and accelerated healing.
You can use PRP to improve acute or chronic injuries. PRP therapy helps with back and neck pain. At the Total Spine Institute, we often recommend PRP treatment for patients with herniated spinal discs, degenerative disc disease, or spinal arthritis.
Accelerate your recovery with PRP
Regenerative medicine accelerates healing, minimizing recovery times and lessening your dependence on pain-relieving medications. Most patients benefit most from a series of PRP injection treatments. Your results can be long-lasting, as problem areas of your physiology respond to the stimulation of the treatment with new cellular and tissue growth.
At the Total Spine Institute, we want you to recover from pain and pain-causing conditions as quickly and easily as possible. Contact us today to learn more about how PRP could benefit you or develop your personal PRP injection plan. Schedule your initial consultation appointment online, or call now to book.