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Is PRP Right for Me?

Is PRP Right for Me?

When you experience damage or degeneration around your spine, you may end up struggling with chronic pain in your back, neck, or other parts of your body. Degeneration often only gets worse with time. How can you find relief and improve the condition of your spine?

At Total Spine Institute of Sherman Oaks and Calabasas, California, we offer a full range of treatment options to provide relief for spinal pain. Dr. Andrew Fox and Dr. Ryan Mattie might suggest platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments for spinal problems, including pain related to degenerative conditions.

How could PRP treatments help you? Is this the right treatment option for your condition and symptoms? Here’s what you need to know about this type of regenerative medicine treatment and how just a few injection sessions could help you find lasting pain relief.

The benefits of PRP

Your blood contains natural healing factors that help your body repair injuries and internal damage. You see that when you scrape your skin and blood clots to create a scab. PRP concentrates those healing factors, delivering a boost via injection to the area where you need healing and regeneration the most.

Platelets suspended in plasma work to trigger new cellular growth and generation within your blood. When you come in for PRP treatment, we take a sample of your blood that we use for your PRP injection. That means that your PRP treatment doesn’t involve foreign substances or chemicals.

We spin your blood sample rapidly in a centrifuge, separating your blood into its component parts. That makes collecting just the platelet-rich plasma, concentrated for therapeutic use easier.

After your targeted PRP injection, your body receives both the instructions and resources needed for more rapid regeneration and repair. PRP can help you heal from spinal conditions like degenerative disc disease, herniated spinal discs, spinal arthritis, and other common causes of neck and back pain.

Many patients benefit from multiple PRP treatment sessions. Your pain relief results after completing treatment may be long-lasting.

Determining if you’re a good candidate for PRP

Now that you know more about all the ways that PRP could help you, you may wonder if this type of treatment is right for your unique needs. Talking to your provider at Total Spine Institute gives you more information and personalized recommendations for your care.

Typically, most patients tolerate PRP injections well. This type of treatment doesn’t create any problematic drug interactions and pairs well with other treatment approaches, such as physical therapy exercises. If you have concerns about injection treatment, talk to our team about strategies to relieve your anxiety and get you the therapeutic treatments you need.

Contact the Total Spine Institute team today if you think PRP treatment might be just what you need to reduce pain and kickstart healing. We offer PRP treatment on an outpatient basis. Schedule your initial consultation appointment online or over the phone now.

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